Monday, June 22, 2015

July 13

July 13 - Passau, Germany
Sailing around the bend on the Danube, headed towards Passau
One of the many homes along the river - how do you even get up there?  Much less build this place!
This bridge marks the border between Austria and Germany
Passau, Germany is on a peninsula that sits at the confluence of the Danube, the Inz, and the Inn Rivers
The city's skyline dominated by St. Stephan's Cathedral (three green domes)
The Bishop's Fortress overlooks the city & the river
Flood marks on the wall - note 2013 mark 2nd from the top!
Narrow alleys of the old city decorated with "floating umbrellas"

"Floating" umbrellas carry the residents' hopes for sunshine

Passau Clock Towers
The Bishop's Residenz' Front Door
Note how high it is off the ground......why?  Because the Bishop would NEVER walk up to the door; he'd be driven up in a carriage and this level opening would allow him to simply get out of the carriage and walk into the building!
The Bishop's Residenz
The main staircase - note all the stucco
St. Stephan's Cathedral
The interior of the cathedral - you just can't imagine how GIGANTIC and impressive this is from the think this was all hand-made, wow
The Altar
The historic organ with it's 17,974 pipes and 233 stops
It is the largest organ in all of Europe

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