Sunday, July 12, 2015

July 12 - Melk Abbey

Melk Abbey
The aerial view of the abbey - built 900 years ago!
The view from the road
The front entrance
Entrance to the courtyard
Staircase into the Imperial Residence wing
Original painting - circa 1502
The Imperial Ballroom Ceiling
The orchestra played behind these windows - if they were too loud, the windows could be closed!
View from the catwalk connecting the Imperial residence to the library
The Danube winds over my shoulder
Down the famous spiral staircase to the cathedral!
The massive cathedral
The altar
Close-up of the altar
Vaulted ceiling above the altar
The dome in the ceiling above the altar
Zoomed in on the dome
Skeletons - fully dressed! - in the cathedral
The best looking girls in the cathedral

Melk Abbey Highlight Video

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